I wish I could nail these hands to the edges of stars
I would sacrifice this body to the sky
Hoping to resurrect as someone spiteful enough to not care about you anymore
Staple me to a cross.
Pierce my side with a broken promise
And I will bleed all the crippled reasons why you deserve one more chance.
Loving you was the last thing I felt really good at.
You want to know how I got these bruises?
I ripped every last piece of you out of my smile.
I whispered you to stardust.
I spoke you into Poison Ivies.
I dipped my hands in forever.
I touched you infinity
Treated you as if you were the last molecule of oxygen inside of a gas chamber
I was good to you.
You want to know how I got these bruises?
I swallowed my pride and then it clawed its way out of my mouth.
I realized I was never really your boyfriend.
I was just your hype man.
I hope your next boyfriend gets smallpox.
Yes, I said smallpox!
I hate you!
But I miss you!
But I love you!
It’s hard for me to count when I get emotional.
I heard that ninety percent of human interaction is non-verbal so…
If I could I would tie your arms to a daydream and then auction you off to my fondest memories
See, I wrote this poem with my own spinal fluid
I put it on the backbone of a white flag
So before you read it, you’ll already know that I’ve given up.
I have kept you here…
Shackled to the most important chapter of my life story
Pressed into the basement of my eyelids like liquid salvation
So I remember you breathtakingly as you are
With amazing strength underneath your wings and an orchid smile
You gorgeous earthquake!
How dare you linger on my lips
And then kiss me like a stuttering apology with excuses stapled to the roof of your mouth.
I still remember you like a dream tattooed to the inner walls of a long term memory
But some days I wonder if you existed at all.
You really want to know how I got these bruises?
I got them the day I fell in love with you.
I landed face first.
Written by Vhar
About author
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Sleeping Next To Beauty
Beauty is beautiful Blessed with the true richness of an African Glistening melanin Thick, curly, woolly hair in a fashionable haircut Features carved in smallness; small eyes, lips and ears
I know a man Who died of love Who died for love And who died in love He was as radiant as the sun As smart as any con As
They are the places we’ve found ourselves Trapped in circumstances Unable to live the lives we want To please their idea of normalcy Most of us bend and break Avoiding
May 12, 04:122 and 3 are the highlight for me!
“How dare u linger on my lips” some ppl need to be slapped first then asked that question.
Vharrrrrrrr to bazźzzd! Great stuff as always.
May 12, 04:12Wow Vhar!
What a Captivating Piece.
You know you should enter one of these literary competitions cos you are one gifted individual.
More grease to your elbow, data to your phone and ink to your pen
May 12, 05:19Why does this poem reminds me of that female character in that
film, Fatal Attraction, her name, ermm, Glen something, hmm, ok.
May 12, 06:02Oh my!!!!!, this is so psychotic its beautiful. No be small fatal attraction.
May 12, 06:03@chris her name is Glenn Close,I so love that movie. Vhar nice write up.
May 12, 06:06Thank you Kacee, Close came my mind but i didnt wanna phuck up early in the morning:)
May 12, 06:11By the way what do you love about that sad, tragic, heart breaking, psycho neurotic movie :)?
I watched it two or three times though, mine is for the thrill, yours?
May 12, 06:15And i have never heard of earthquake been described as gorgeous.
It just cant be, mba
May 12, 06:17Hmmm
Dennis Macaulay
May 12, 06:28Vhar the King of Poetry!
I didnt read it sha **covers face**
May 12, 07:01Why would you say that? If you didn’t read it, why would you want us to know?
May 12, 12:42Is Vhar an Akpanish Twink perhaps? DM only famzs’ when he wants something
May 12, 08:14Hello!, Cos he’s a jerk..
May 12, 06:49Hmmmm
shuga chocolata
May 12, 06:51I hate you
I miss you
But I love you.
Thanks Vhar just what I needed this morning.
May 12, 08:10Amazing as always Vhar. I need to hire you for a piece. Your expertise is needed.
May 12, 09:42Okay this for those that believe in and fall in Love.. So good luck connecting with this. I still can’t figure why your people like something that gives so much distress! The thing called ” Love ” btwn humans not related by blood or Marriage is fake to me.. The one true love is ‘Gods love for Man’ unconditional Love
#TeamNoLove #TeamFBW #TeamMoneyMaker
That said..
This was an awesomely written piece (Tho I love the piece but I do not connect with it.. Talking abt love) by Vhar.. Once again! Tho I asked for his dethronement. Maybe I said that under ‘compromised’ judgement.
Tiercel de Claron
May 12, 14:40“Better to be silent and be thought a fool than open one’s mouth and remove all doubt” – Mark Twain
Tiercel de Claron
May 12, 15:09You really want to know how I got these
I got them the day I fell in love with you.
I landed face first.
It’s why it’s called FALLING in love.If you’re lucky,there’ll be outstretched arms waiting to catch you,hold you close.If you’re not,you fall flat and fall hard.
Trick to surviving that is to stay still a bit,gather your broken pieces together,mend,pick up yourself and go.