Vote ‘Hell Or High Water’ For The NEA Awards

Vote ‘Hell Or High Water’ For The NEA Awards

Hello people, the movie Hell Or High Water has gotten its first nomination and it’s the 2016 NEA (Nigerian Entertainment) Awards. And your votes are needed. Kindly vote by first CLICKING HERE on the Best Short Film category on and then selecting Hell Or High Water to vote.

We do believe Oluseyi Amuwa deserves this for an amazing job. Now, why not just start voting and get your friends to vote! Good thing is, you can vote as many times as you want. Thanks in advance.

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  1. pete
    June 25, 06:48 Reply

    I’ll vote but Pinky, how do we watch the movie? Is the screening limited only to Lagos?

    • Olumide
      June 25, 09:20 Reply

      You will see the movie soon. The problem with releasing film, short of feature is that you will be pulled out of festival once the film are available. So we have just two more to go and we can then release. Also, there are private screening happening here band there and I know Port-Harcourt, Calabar, and Abuja are on the top list. We would surely announce here once confirmed. Thanks for your patience

  2. Francis
    June 25, 08:09 Reply

    Vote ke? When person never see the feem. ??

    • Kenny
      June 25, 08:47 Reply

      Lol. My thoughts exactly. They should make it available first let’s watch before we talk about voting

    • Olumide
      June 25, 09:22 Reply

      You will see the movie soon. The problem with releasing film, short or feature is that you will be pulled out of festival once the film are available. So we have just two more to go and we can then release. Also, there are private screening happening here band there and I know Port-Harcourt, Calabar, and Abuja are on the top list. We would surely announce here once confirmed. Thanks for your patience

  3. Mandy
    June 25, 09:11 Reply

    But we need TIERs to tell us how we’ll get to see the film.

    • Olumide
      June 25, 09:22 Reply

      You will see the movie soon. The problem with releasing film, short or feature is that you will be pulled out of festival once the film are available. So we have just two more to go and we can then release. Also, there are private screening happening here band there and I know Port-Harcourt, Calabar, and Abuja are on the top list. We would surely announce here once confirmed. Thanks for your patience

      • Shuga chocolata
        June 27, 10:17 Reply

        How about we that stays close to the east? Abia or Enugu??? Why only calabar and port Harcourt ?

        We need to visit places like Enugu, bayelsa, even uyo sef….? Mr olumide please kindly take into consideration on this states or city.

        • Olumide
          July 03, 09:37 Reply

          Thanks for your feedback. The issues is that if we don’t have a local Organization that we can leverage on there, it become a little problematic and expensive for us. But be rest assure this will be available online this year.

  4. Sasha
    June 25, 09:48 Reply

    saw the movie, didn’t really like it.
    I’m not voting mediocrity just because it’s LGBT themed.

    • pete
      June 25, 10:38 Reply

      *withdraws vote* not voting until I see the movie. Having an LGBT theme shouldn’t give it a pass.

    • Olumide
      July 03, 09:55 Reply

      Normally, I will just move pass things like this. Do you know the kind of madness that went off behind? Oh, you want a movie that will be done in a way you expected it forgetting this is Nollywood and not Hollywood? Also, forgetting this is the same Nollywood that has done many negative film around the subject and they don’t fucking care, it business for them? Forgetting actors are concern about their career etc and taking on roles, they will only start at the small level. Please let’s bear in mind that these things happen one step at a time, very limited actors and filmmaker are interested regardless of the money you will pay them. You will make do with what you have first then take that to places where you can use that to engage for better stuff. What you happened, took three years of engagement, building relationship etc before they finally happened this year, they didn’t happen overnight. Finally, You don’t really have to like which is fine but calling the effort mediocrity is also unpleasant, very.

  5. Dennis Macaulay
    June 25, 10:37 Reply

    I will vote, but I want to see the movie. I have asked the TIERS people if they will screen in it PH. Is it available for streaming or download online?

    Can we really vote for something we have not seen?

  6. Delle
    June 25, 14:08 Reply

    This is really sweet! The movie was nice (although expected more), but I’d vote. If for anything, for solidarity sakes.
    Pray it wins though!

    • Olumide
      July 03, 10:01 Reply

      Thank you Dele. We all wanted more and I can assure you that the script for more has been under work for months. We can only encourage the film director so that other filmakers in the industry don’t get scared in the future.

  7. Mike Daemon
    June 25, 19:16 Reply

    Yes, Olumide said they are considering a showing in Port Harcourt, I will vote, am sure it will be worth it, haven’t seen it myself either.

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