We have three kito scum updates today, one from Delta State and two others from Lagos State.

1 Roy Duncan

At least, that is what his name used to be on his Facebook profile, which he has since changed. In fact, he has either sold the account (which is doubtful, seeing as his pictures can still be found on the profile) or he changed the details to throw his accusers off).

He is based in Warri, and is also gay. But he appears to be into beating up and extorting fellow gay men who meet him for hookups. He has a boyfriend who acts as his cohort. His last victim was someone who was linked to him by a mutual friend, a mutual friend who claims he didn’t know Roy was this kind of person.


2 Emmanuel Julius

His name on Facebook is Emmanuel Julius. It is doubtful though if that is his real name.

He lives in Lagos and operates by presenting himself as gay to those who chat him up on social media. Whether he is gay or not doesn’t matter; he just needs you to believe it. He will even want to visit you. His last victim welcomed him into his home, and then minutes later, Emmanuel’s gang of about five boys who were posing as naval officers barged in, making enough noise to draw the attention of his neighbours and to harass and intimidate the victim into parting with his money and valuables before they left him alone.


3 Emmanuel Evan

He is also on Facebook with this name, and he acts as Emmanuel Julius’s friend and fellow kito scum.

Next Dear KD: How Can I Go From Bottoming To Topping?

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  1. Leon
    November 12, 08:36 Reply

    Can you just take a look at their faces,overall defined appearance,something just seems to be off like totally off! I wonder why someone well to do,or a well meaning gentleman/someone that knows his value and worth and knows he has something to loose will condescend so low to hookup with these things after seeing and accessing them in real life!!
    They all look extremely desperate,obviously desperate tueh!🤧
    Disgusting set of beings!

  2. IBK
    November 12, 08:44 Reply

    We should play a game of guess the kito so people will actually realise that kito no dey show for face especially when you are horny. The only thing that could be your saving grace is actions that fall in line with kito. The one that scares me the most is this one that will visit and actually bring joys to harass you.

    Hennyweigh, I believe Jesus will intervene.

    • Leon
      November 12, 09:09 Reply

      @IBK i know it doesn’t show in the face,buh there’s been something consistent about this particular set of desperados!same haggard,dirty tattered,unkept and tout look! These ones are bad news once u see them or have an encounter with them…
      No matter how horny anyone gets i guess everyone has their own taste and preference and no one likes decayed maggot for a luxury fun dinner!
      These ones here are gutter,zero and distasteful!!

  3. Ade
    November 12, 08:59 Reply

    Hungry, poverty stricken scumbags….waste to our generation……mtchew** why do queers guys stoop so low to these hungry boys ..

  4. Fred
    November 13, 08:25 Reply

    There’s got to be something about the name “Emmanuel” that makes namesakes connect so well (in crime).

  5. Rabbi Tetch
    November 20, 02:04 Reply

    Oh yea speaking about the said Roy Duncan who i myself outed out as a red flag in the community after battling and extorting my friend he literally begged me to link him up with for normal shagging and striffing matter normally. Neither did i know that truly he’s a scumbag , a broth and a petty criminal who’s hungry and feeding off other community persons who has fallen into his net.

    Trust be told i heard from other people that he sets people up and so, but then am the kinda guy who doesn’t believe stories without proper scrutiny and of cause evidence, i called him and asked him and he said he never did or does not do anything like that. Typical me i believed, but one one occasion he said something prior to making a fuss when someone who ought to have paid him for sex after the said agreed cash didn’t wanna do as agreed it turned into an issue and the guy ended up paying double.

    So why am writing this here is cos i saw and read the post where it said the mutual friend claim that he didn’t know Roy was that kinda scum bag. And yes that is the case, i am a respected personality in the community here in Delta State (Warri) of which the incident nearly almost tanished my good name.

    Well my good work would go on as far as am alive and hearty.

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